What Is an Operating Rhythm?
“This is the way we wash our clothes
Wash our clothes
Wash our clothes
This is the way we wash our clothes
So early Monday morning...”
I always think of this old nursery rhyme when I explain what an operating rhythm is.
In short, an operating rhythm is the combination of the things you do, the way you do them and the frequency with which you do those things in the process of fulfilling your needs and obligations.
You might otherwise refer to them as your habits and routines. They are the repeated actions and behaviors that make your life (or your business) possible. The better you get at doing them, the better results you get.
Operating rhythms are generally associated with the core operational functions of your life or business. For the sake of this article, we’ll focus on operational functions for a business.
Below is a list of objectives associated with each of the core business functions. Your business operating rhythm consists of the activities you take to meet these objectives and the frequency with which you do those activities.
7 Core Business Functions & Objectives
Function: Marketing & Sales
Objective: Find & attract new buyers
Objective: Make money off of who you know, what you know and / or what you produce or deliver
Function: Product / Service Development
Objective: Create your service or product
Objective: Improve or expand your service or product
Function: Product / Service Delivery
Objective: Deliver your service or product
Objective: Fulfill the promise made to your customers and / or stakeholders
Function: Customer / Stakeholder management
Objective: Derive value from the relationships you’ve built
Function: information management
Objective: Derive value from the data you’ve produced or collected
Function: accounting & financial management
Objective: Track & categorize income & expenses
Objective: Derive additional value from your financial resources
Function: strategy & planning
Objective: Get closer to ‘happily ever after’
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