earth day turns 40 today - some gifts you can give
Today is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day – a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the lovely blue planet we call home (well, most of us anyway… some of y’all are clearly from the outer limits).
Haven’t thought of how you’ll celebrate the day? No worries, here’s a handy list of ways you can show Earth that you care.
- Take a walk around your neighborhood – pick up any trash you see along your walk. Talk to any neighbors you run into and ask them to do the same.
- For Atlanta residents, take a look at the skyline. See that slightly brown haze? Yeah, that’s not supposed to be there. Get on the phone with your local and state representative or send them an email and ask them what they’re doing to: 1) support clean air in our city, or 2) help enhance public transportation options that reduce smog.
- Go for a quick hike in one of Atlanta’s neighborhood, state, or national parks.
- Visit an Atlanta-area community garden – ask how you can get involved. Don’t have a community garden in your neighborhood? Start one.
- Check into joining a CSA (community-supported agriculture). With CSAs you get fresh produce from local farms delivered to you. Way better than the over-priced, under-fresh stuff from the grocery store that you don’t know WHERE it came from. Here’s a comprehensive list of Atlanta-area CSAs.
- Work from home – save the miles and the emission. If you can’t do that…
- Bike to work, carpool, take the train or bus. If you can’t do that…
- Walk to the store in the evening instead of driving.
- Have dinner by candlelight and save some energy. Better yet, replace your regular light bulbs with energy-efficient light bulbs. If you’re feeling really magnanimous, buy a couple of extra bulbs and gift them to your neighbor.
- Gather your old electronics for recycling on April 24 at Turner Field. Here’s the details (PDF) .
- Visit Atlantic Station’s Enviro Expo. For extra impact, bike there or take Marta to Arts Center Station and catch the free shuttle from there.
- Donate or pledge to WABE - Atlanta's public radio station - today. For each pledge received today, Trees Atlanta will plant a tree in your honor.
- Save some green with these Earth Day deals and discounts from the Atlanta Bargain Hunter – free milkshakes, discount Six Flags tickets, and free admission to the Atlanta Botanical Garden await.
- Celebrate Our World Earth Day 2010 at Georgia Tech.
- Support local food , local business, and Atlanta’s street food revolution at the Super Secret Underground Food Truck Extravaganza today.