Are You a High-Achiever? The Simplest Way to Tell
The 1sfa definition of a high-achiever usually means someone who has an abundance of:
money, wealth
degrees, awards
position, title
“Your measure of achievement depends largely on your definition of success or your vision of ‘happily ever after’.”
While these are certainly indicators of a person who has achieved a great deal, they aren’t the only ones. Unfortunately, many people who are very high-achievers are overlooked or uncelebrated (even by themselves) because they don’t have any of these indicators to ‘prove’ it.
In my opinion, the simplest and most reliable way to tell if you are a high achiever is to ask yourself (and at least 1 other trusted person) to honestly answer these questions about you.
Do you regularly:
1. set out to do big things?
2. do those big things?
Bonus points if you learn from or use those big things to do even bigger things.
Your measure of achievement depends largely on your definition of success or your vision of ‘happily ever after’. If you don’t have your own vision, you will likely adopt the one-size-fits-all version that says you have to have a lot of money, degrees or title to be considered a high-achiever. And nothing else but that matters.
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